If you are using learning material from China, they always learn alphabets from the very beginning, no exception or much discussion about it. However, when I'm searching learning advice in Taiwan or English groups, it is always a commonly mentioned question that should you start with alphabet or conversation.
I totally understand people who think learning from conversation is more similar to first language acquisition. However, after I read a lot of experience sharing from people, I thought that Thai alphabet is really a system needing certain time to learn and memorize. It doesn't really take significant shorter time to learn alphabet after learning conversation for a while. If you are avoiding or delaying to learn alphabet system, it seems like you are implying this is difficult for you. But if you don't keep reminding yourself and just do it, you will find that it's not that difficult as you imagine. I just find someone who can speak well but still can't read after learning Thai for 20 years!!!! That's crazy.
And when I'm learning conversation without reading ability, it's very uncomfortable for me, like i'm an iliteracy guy. 5555 So I chose to learn alphabet and conversation at the same time. I roughly used 70% of my time on alphabet and 30% on conversation. If i'm stuck on the rule of alphabet, I would turn to conversation class and relax. When I was learning the vocabulary or phrase, I can review or recall the alphabet and learn it subconsciously.
At last, I want to let you know that don't expect to memorize or understand everything at the first time. That's impossible. I watched every videos for at least twice but I didn't try hard hard to memorize it. I probably would understand 10% of the content first time, and second time 20%, third time 35%. That't the process of how we learn a overwhelming new thing.
Just keep learning. Keep getting input. Read. Listen. Read. Listen. Relax. Read. Listen. Relax. Make friends.
先學: 在學會話或單字時可以更理解那個字如何發音
後學: 已經知道單字發音,會有恍然大悟感。有急迫口語交流需求
重點是 持續學習 Keep getting input. Read. Listen. Read. Listen. Relax. Read. Listen. Relax. Make friends. (以上引用自Stephen Krashen演講,好喜歡他,best tutor ever)
學習新語言是一件很開心又幸福的事情,享受過程,讓語言flow through our body,